Younger is running in the wildest of freedoms, she said,
Not knowing rotten, crumbling adult prisons yet
Wrapped in glee- soaked joyous towels,
Natural beauties bound towards sunlit, open halls
of shrieking laughter in the week,
Light candles in fuzzy, lipsticked delight
Dressed and powdered, obeying weekend nights
To squeal in hazy perfumes stupor
Of boys and their hands and ways
Of kissing on quiet, drizzled streets at closing time
Aftershave sting of nostrils and rose stained blush of cheeks
Toasty mornings crush of The Olders glance and reminiscent smile
Youngers unselfconscious dance,
Her budding curves snuggled in bravest dress
Fifteenth birthday silver clasp
and showcase growing breasts
Polished nails reflecting glowing eyes and Mothers cocktail ring
adorns and glitters.